Mission Statement
The Primary Duty of the Board is to Protect
the Public through Regulation of the Practice
of Naturopathic Medicine.
Mission Statement
The Primary Duty of the Board is to Protect
the Public through Regulation of the Practice
of Naturopathic Medicine.
CHANGE NAME/ADDRESS Go to Forms Tab located on the top of the home page and complete the form, scan and email to [email protected]
PRINT A LICENSE COPY Click on the Online Options Button Below. You will be asked to submit your last name and last 4 digits of your SS number. Choose Print License.
PRINT A CERTIFICATE TO DISPENSE COPY Click on the Online Options Button Below. You will be asked to submit your last name and the last 4 digits of your SS number. Choose Print RX license.
TO RENEW A LICENSE OR CERTIFICATE DURING THE RENEWAL PERIOD Click on the Online Options Button Below. You will be asked to submit your last name and the last 4 digits of your SS number.
Renewal Period for license October - January 1 of each year.
January 2 - March 1 Grace Period, may renew with a late fee. After March 1, the license is expired due to non-renewal, must apply for Reinstatement of the Medical License.
Renewal Period for Certificate to Dispense May - July 1 of each year.
July 2 - August 30 Grace Period, may renew with a late fee. After August 30, the certificate is expired due to non-renewal, must apply for Reinstatement of the Certificate to Dispense.
Applicants for licensure are required to have graduated from an accredited school of naturopathic medicine. The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) accredits four-year, campus based doctoral programs in naturopathic medicine that qualify graduates for licensure in the U.S and Canada. CNME does not accredit online naturopathic programs, and these programs do not qualify individuals for licensure. Accreditation ensures schools are providing a standards-based education that combines traditional natural health knowledge with modern medical training. Schools are required to meet certain standards before being accredited and must be reaccredited at least every seven years. The complete list of Accredited naturopathic schools can be found under the Resources tab on the above menu bar. More information regarding the CNME accreditation process may be found on https://cnme.org
The universal recognition policy allows Arizona residents to use an out-of-state professional or occupational license to qualify for an Arizona license to work. To qualify, an applicant must:
To apply via Universal Recognition, please complete the Application form available under the forms tab on the menu bar above. Notice: Pursuant to Section 32-4302, Arizona Revised Statutes, a person shall be granted an occupational or professional license or certificate if the person has been licensed or certified in another state for at least twelve months. The license or certificate is in the same discipline and at the same practice level as the license or certificate for which the person is applying in this state and the person meets other conditions prescribed by section 32-4302, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Notice: Pursuant to section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, an agency shall limit all occupational regulations to regulations that a demonstrated to be necessary to specifically fulfill a public health, safety or welfare concern. Pursuant to sections 41-1093.02 and 41-1093.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, you have the right to petition this agency to repeal or modify the occupational regulation or bring an action in court of general jurisdiction to challenge the occupational regulation and to ensure compliance with section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Applications for Naturopathic Medical License Available for download under the Forms Tab on the Menu Bar. The same Application is used if applying by Examination, Endorsement, or Universal Recognition.
Application for Fee Waiver Available under the News Tab on the Menu Bar
Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1079, as an applicant for licensure, you are being provided with the following information regarding required steps an applicant must take in order to obtain the license. BE SURE YOU MEET THE QUALIFICATIONS PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION. PLEASE REVIEW THE STATUTES AND RULES LOCATED ON MENU BAR ABOVE. STEPS IN THE APPLICATION PROCESSS submit a complete and readable application for medical license to the Board. The applicable fee(s) and completed fingerprint card must be included with the application at time of submission. Also, include the required photo, a copy or copies of required evidence to receive public benefits, and have the application notarized. Include a detailed written supplement in the event you indicate an affirmative answer to one or more of the background questions. Cause to have all required documents relating to medical college transcripts, post-doctoral training transcripts, national examination transcripts, and verification of any license, to be sent directly to the Board by the entity it originated from. After you have received the notice of application review and deficiencies by the Board, contact the office to set up a time to take the Arizona Jurisprudence Examination if it is required. The notice of review will outline the jurisprudence examination as a deficiency if it is required to be taken. License by Examination 90 Days Administrative Completeness, 90 Days Substantive Review, Overall Time-Frame 180 Days. License by Endorsement 60 Days Administrative Completeness, 60 Days Substantive Review, Overall Time-Frame 120 Days.
Board Contact: Gail Anthony, Executive Director Administrative Office Location: 1740 W. Adams, Ste. 3002 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Phone: 602 542-8242 Email: [email protected]
Notice: Pursuant to section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, an agency shall limit all occupational regulations to regulations that are demonstrated to be necessary to specifically fulfill a public health, safety or welfare concern. Pursuant to sections 41-1093.02 and 41-1093.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, you have the right to petition this agency to repeal or modify the occupational regulation or bring an action in a court of general jurisdiction to challenge the occupational regulation and to ensure compliance with section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Fees may be paid via Money Order, Personal Check or Cash. Personal Check or Money Order made payable to the AZ. Naturopathic Medical Board. Credit Card payments are available only for the License Renewal and the Certificate to Dispense Renewal during the associated renewal periods.
Application Fee
Medical License Application Fee $225.00
Certificate to Dispense Application fee $225.00
Medical Assistant Certificate Application Fee $100.00
Clinical Training Certificate Application Fee $0.00
Preceptorship; Certificate to Engage In Application Fee $100.00
Specialty Certificate Application Fee $225.00
Renewal Fee
Medical License Renewal Fee $165.00
Certificate to Dispense Renewal Fee $225.00
Medical Assistant Certificate Renewal Fee $150.00
Clinical Training Certificate Renewal Fee $0.00
Preceptorship; Certificate to Engage In Renewal Fee $225.00
Late Renewal Fee
Medical License Renewal Late Fee $83.00
Certificate to Dispense Renewal Late Fee $113.00
Medical Assistant Certificate Renewal Late Fee $75.00
Clinical Training Certificate Renewal Late Fee $0.00
Preceptorship; Certificate to Engage In Renewal Late Fee $113.00
Examination Fee
Arizona Naturopathic Jurisprudence Examination Fee $30.00
Other Fees
Written Verification of License $5.00
Insufficient Fund Check Fee $25.00
Request for a Duplicate License or Certificate $20.00
Record Copies $5.00 of 0.25 per page, whichever is greater
Meeting Audio $25.00 (Available under the meeting tab at no charge)
Please Be Aware: The Board does not offer legal interpretation of the law.
Visit the Department of Health Services Website azdhs.gov/audiences/clinicians
TELEHEALTH Information may be found on AZLEG.Gov under Chapter 36
A.R.S. 36-3601 - 36-3608 and aznd.gov A.R.S. 32-1501(ww)
Unprofessional Conduct Statute
A.R.S. 32-1501(31)(ww) Prescribing, dispensing or furnishing a prescription medication or a prescription-only device as defined in section 32-1901 to a person unless the licensee first conducts a physical examination of that person or has previously established a doctor-patient relationship. The physical examination may be conducted during a real-time telemedicine encounter with audio and video capability unless the examination is for the purpose of obtaining a written certification from the physician for the purposes of title 36, chapter 28.1. (Medical Marijuana Certification)
If you are a Naturopathic Physician Licensed in the State of Arizona and would like to be considered for a role as a Board Medical Consultant, please complete the consultant request form located under the forms tab above. Please review the qualifications, role responsibility, and compensation policy, prior to submission of the form to the Board.
As a Naturopathic physician licensed in Arizona, part of the licensure renewal process requires completion of 30 hours of CME each year. At least 10 of those hours must be in the area of pharmacology as it relates to the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease. In addition to the required 10 in this area, SB1001 (2018 First Special Session) The Act adds 32-3248.02, imposing an obligation to complete a minimum three hours of Opioid related CME in the area of substance–use disorder or addiction related if the physician holds or plans on obtaining a DEA Registration.
For approved schools, refer to the Resources tab on the homepage
All licensed naturopathic physicians with a DEA Registration or who intend to apply for a DEA Registration in Arizona are required to register with the Controlled Substance Prescription Monitoring Program. Registration is available on the State of Arizona Pharmacy Board Website.
A.R.S. 12-2297. Retention of records
A. Unless otherwise required by statute or by federal law, a health care provider shall retain the original or copies of a patient's medical records as follows:
1. If the patient is an adult, for at least six years after the last date the adult patient received medical or health care services from that provider.
2. If the patient is a child, either for at least three years after the child's eighteenth birthday or for at least six years after the last date the child received medical or health care services from that provider, whichever date occurs later.
3. Source data may be maintained separately from the medical record and must be retained for six years from the date of collection of the source data.
B. When a health care provider retires or sells the provider's practice the provider shall take reasonable measures to ensure that the provider's records are retained pursuant to this section.
C. A person who is licensed pursuant to title 32 as an employee of a health care provider is not responsible for storing or retaining medical records but shall compile and record the records in the customary manner.
D. A nursing care institution as defined in section 36-401 shall retain patient records for six years after the date of the patient's discharge. For a minor, the nursing care institution shall retain the records for three years after the patient reaches eighteen years of age or for six years after the date of the patient's discharge, whichever date occurs last.
A.R.S. 32-3211. Medical records; protocol; unprofessional conduct; corrective action; exemptions
A. A health professional must prepare a written protocol for the secure storage, transfer and access of the medical records of the health professional's patients. At a minimum the protocol must specify:
1. If the health professional terminates or sells the health professional's practice and the patient's medical records will not remain in the same physical location, the procedure by which the health professional shall notify each patient in a timely manner before the health professional terminates or sells the health professional's practice in order to inform the patient regarding the future location of the patient's medical records and how the patient can access those records.
2. The procedure by which the health professional may dispose of unclaimed medical records after a specified period of time and after the health professional has made good faith efforts to contact the patient.
3. How the health professional shall timely respond to requests from patients for copies of their medical records or to access their medical records.
B. The protocol prescribed in subsection A of this section must comply with the relevant requirements of title 12, chapter 13, article 7.1 regarding medical records.
C. A health professional shall indicate compliance with the requirements of this section on the health professional's application for relicensure in a manner prescribed by the health professional's regulatory board.
D. A health professional who does not comply with this section commits an act of unprofessional conduct.
E. In addition to taking disciplinary action against a health professional who does not comply with this section, the health professional's regulatory board may take corrective action regarding the proper storage, transfer and access of the medical records of the health professional's patients. For the purposes of this subsection, corrective action does not include taking possession or management of the medical records.
F. For the purposes of this section, health professional does not include a veterinarian.
G. This section does not apply to a health professional who is employed by a health care institution as defined in section 36-401 that is responsible for the maintenance of the medical records.
Click on the PHYSICIAN SEARCH TAB located on the far right side of the home page menu bar. In the event a physician or certificate holder has disciplinary actions or orders which fall within the time limit for website display, the document link will be visible by clicking on the name or the details option. Please note, some Board Actions may not appear until a few weeks after they are taken due to appeals, effective dates, and other administrative processes. Pursuant to A.R.S. 32-3214; a record of a dismissed complaint is available to the public but may not appear on the Board's website. A pending complaint or investigation may not be disclosed to the public. All disciplinary actions shall be available on the website for not more than five years. A nondisciplinary order or action shall be made available on the website for not more than five years. Letters of concern and advisory letters may not be made available on the website. A person may obtain additional public records related to any licensee or certificate holder, including dismissed complaints and nondisciplinary actions and orders, by contacting the board directly
Members of the public are strongly encouraged to check the credentials of any health care provider you plan to see, prior to your visit.
Content Disclaimer The State of Arizona Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board presents the information contained on this website as a service to the public. The Board relies on the information provided by Licensees and Certificate holders to be true and correct as required by statute. It is an act of unprofessional conduct to provide false information to the Board. The Board makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability as to the content of this website, or to the content of any other website to which it may link. Assessing accuracy and reliability of the information obtained from this website is solely the responsibility of the user. The Board is not liable for errors or any damages resulting in the use of the information contained on this website.
32-3214. Board actions; public access to records; website
A. If a health profession regulatory board dismisses a complaint, the record of that complaint is available to that regulatory board and the public pursuant to section 39-121 but may not appear on the board's website. For the purposes of this subsection, "dismisses a complaint" means that a board does not issue a disciplinary or nondisciplinary order or action against a licensee or certificate holder. A pending complaint or investigation may not be disclosed to the public.
B. All disciplinary actions against a licensee or certificate holder shall be available on the health profession regulatory board's website for not more than five years. If a health profession regulatory board issues a final nondisciplinary order or action, the record of the final nondisciplinary order or action shall be made available on the board's website for not more than five years. Letters of concern and advisory letters may not be made available on the website but a copy of such letters are available to the public pursuant to section 39-121 and shall be provided to any person on request.
C. If a health profession regulatory board maintains a website, the board must display on its website a statement that a person may obtain additional public records related to any licensee or certificate holder, including dismissed complaints and nondisciplinary actions and orders, by contacting the board directly.
D. This section does not prohibit a health profession regulatory board from conducting its authorized duties in a public meeting.
E. Subsections A and B of this section do not apply to meeting minutes and notices kept by the board in accordance with the public meeting requirements of title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1.
To have written verification supplied to another licensing entity, please submit the verification form along with the required fee of $5.00, to the Board's administrative office 1740 W. Adams, Ste. 3002 Phoenix, AZ 85007. Payment may be made in the form of a personal check or money order made payable to AZND Board, or cash.
Pursuant to A.R.S. 32-3227(B)(3), the following information is being provided for public disclosure. The State of Arizona Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board found the following individual has been engaged in the unauthorized practice of Naturopathic Medicine.
Anyone, including the Board, may file a complaint against a Licensed Naturopathic Physician. The Board on its own motion may investigate any evidence that appears to show that a doctor of naturopathic medicine is or may be medically incompetent, is or may be guilty of unprofessional conduct or is or may be mentally or physically unable to engage safely in the practice of naturopathic medicine. View the document below for details on the complaint process and the complaint form.
32-3224. Complaints; time limitation on filing
Notwithstanding any time limitation to the contrary in this title, a health profession regulatory board may not act on its own motion or on any complaint received by the board in which an allegation of unprofessional conduct or any other violation of the chapter that applies to a professional who holds an Arizona license or certificate occurred more than four years before the complaint is received by the board.
This time limitation does not apply to:
1. Medical malpractice settlements or judgments or allegations of sexual misconduct or if such incident or occurrence involved a felony, diversion of a controlled substance or impairment while practicing by the licensee or certificate holder.
2. A board's consideration of the specific unprofessional conduct related to a licensee's or certificate holder's failure to disclose conduct or a violation as required by law.